Venanzio Signorino is an osteopath, registered with the ROI (Italian Osteopaths Register).
Completed his studies at theHigher Institute of Physical Education in Naples, he later attended the"La Sapienza" University of Rome in Rome, obtaining in 2007 the degree qualifying for the healthcare profession of Physiotherapist. Meanwhile, he gained skills in the evaluation and treatment of spinal deformities according to the postural re-education method of Françoise Mézières.
In 2015, he obtained the title of Osteopath D.O. (Diploma in Osteopathy) at the Traditional Osteopathy Study Center in Rome, accredited by the Italian Association of Osteopathy Schools (AISO), through a six-year course of study.
Continuous professional development in the neonatal, cranial, and visceral fields is driven by passion, curiosity, and the desire to engage with the leading figures of traditional osteopathy on an international level.See the curriculum).
In the 2015/2018 triennium, he completed the training "Movimento Presente e Quiete" held at theItalian Academy of Traditional Osteopathy in Pescara.
He is currently enrolled in the Biodynamic Training Course according to the Traditional Studies in Osteopathy by Dr. James Jealous, D.O.
He sees patients by appointment only at his private practice in Salerno, located at Corso Vittorio Emanuele 203.
• Visceral Vascular Manipulations
• Biodynamic Osteopathy
• Ligamentous Tension Balancing
• Structural Manipulative Treatment
• Cranial Osteopathy
• Osteopathy and Sports
• Visceral Manipulative Treatment
• Neonatal Osteopathy
One of the most important and recognized osteopathic practices, focusing on newborns and their entire developmental age.
Specialist in the treatment of cranial deformities
Relieve pain; normalize muscle tension; remove venous and lymphatic congestion; improve blood circulation; correct joint alignment; improvepostural balance.
Venanzio Signorino D.O.
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 203
Salerno (SA) – 84122
P.I. 04598220657
Tel: +39 328 00 44 190